Reclaim Your Pleasure


Hybrid care offered virtually or in Denver, CO

I offer pelvic care with a pleasure forward and nervous system centered approach.

This program is designed to promote autonomy and self-efficacy, to give you the tools you need to reclaim your pleasure and to offer guidance along the way. Join me for a transformational experience.

This is for you if you experience pain in the pelvic region, sexual dysfunction, or you feel like you want to expand your experience of pleasure.

What I treat

  • Endometriosis

    Dyspareunia: Pain with Intercourse

    Painful Menstruation

    Vulvodynia (painful vulva) or Vestibulodynia


    Rectal Pain

    Coccyx Pain

    General Pelvic Pain

    Pudendal Neuralgia

  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse

    Pregnancy Related Pain

    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

    Uterine Fibroids

    Status-post Hysterectomy

    Pain Related to any Gynecologic Procedure

  • Incontinence

    Interstitial Cystitis also known as Painful Bladder Syndrome

    Urinary Urgency and/or Frequency

    Incomplete Emptying or Post-void Dribbling

    Nocturia (frequent nighttime urination)

    Overactive Bladder

Since starting to specialize in pelvic PT, I have worked with so many people who experience pain with sexual activity, bowel movements, or bladder function. Since it’s not something we openly share, it’s easy to feel alone in what you’re experiencing, but I assure you it’s more common than you think.

Pelvic pain can be incredibly frustrating. Sometimes the pain originates as a medical condition but persists well after the initial condition has healed. Sometimes the pain has gradually built up over time as a result of psychological or emotional stressors held in the body. Sometimes the pain originates from trauma. And in most cases the pain is multifactorial - there is no one reason but a handful of contributing factors.


You deserve to feel at home and at peace in your body. My intention is to help you release more than just muscle tension. My intention is to hold a safe space for you to shed the layers that stand in the way of feeling peace, safety, and pleasure in the body. Layers such as shame, embarrassment, anger, rage, resentment, grief, self-doubt.

Layer by layer, we restore vitality to your pelvic bowl. You’ll walk away with relief from pelvic pain and a renewed sense of relating to your body.

You will be encouraged and empowered integrate a variety of practices into your routine to support you in this process.


The journey includes 1:1 60 minute sessions as well as weekly digital modules. The sessions involve a combination of bodywork, directed breathing, and guided visualizations in order to allow space for you to create new patterns in your body. Together we alchemize and excavate wounds that have been deeply embedded in your pelvic bowl. 

You will also be led through a digital journey that includes guided embodiment practices and reflection questions. You will receive a new practice each week over 12 weeks for you to explore on your own time and in the privacy of your own home.


Are you ready to reclaim your pleasure?
