
Guiding you back home into your body.


We can feel so disconnected from our bodies.

Over time we learn to ignore or override our subtle senses. This disconnect eventually comes back to bite us in the form of pain or dysfunction.

Through these workshops I invite you to explore your embodied presence through movement, meditation, and breath. 

Together we will practice connecting and listening to our bodies with gentleness. You will receive powerful somatic tools to regulate your nervous system so that you can show up more fully and with greater ease in your daily life.

Upcoming Workshops

Past Workshops

  • A 75 min Workshop to Discover and Connect with your Pelvic Floor through Learning, Movement, and Breath.

  • Learn your anatomy and shed patriarchal programming in this hour long workshop. I will cover anatomy of the vulva and how to assess yourself for abnormalities. We will close with a guided meditation to release harmful thoughts or emotions surrounding your vulva.

  • A workshop for women and non-binary people. We’ll cover what the pelvic floor actually does, we’ll do a quick & simple movement sequence to release tension, and we’ll learn a somatic practice to drop into the energy of the pelvic bowl.

What people are saying

“I have participated in 2 pelvic floor workshops from Jessica Shatkin. She is knowledgable, relatable, and deeply inspiring. She offers a unique experience that will educate and empower you. She blends both scientific and spiritual understandings of the body into her workshops and will leave a positive lasting impression! Tell your friends!” Know Your Vulva & Pelvic Wisdom Workshops


“Jessica ran a great seminar about the pelvic floor that changed my perspective on so many things. After just an hour, I’d learned about the pelvic floor functions, how to strengthen it, and identified areas for improvement. Jessica is so knowledgeable, patient, passionate, and most importantly non-judgemental. I would absolutely recommend for someone who has issues with pee/poop/pain or is curious about how to improve pelvic floor function.” Pelvic Floor 101

“Thank you so much for sharing this information and the beautiful meditation that accompanied it. You did a wonderful job presenting and allowing a safe space. I learned a lot and feel much lighter after the meditation.” Know Your Vulva Workshop


“I really enjoyed the workshop- I thought you did a great job of thoroughly explaining everything, and were very mindful of everyone's unique experiences with their pelvic floor muscles & organs. It was really insightful and helped me be more intentional actually thinking about my pelvic floor during various activities! I would certainly recommend it to my peers.” Pelvic Floor 101


“Jess led an amazing workshop — I’m so glad I took it! She is super knowledgeable and presents information in a detailed yet relatable way. I came away feeling empowered and refreshed! I recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to get to know their vulva and their self a little bit better.” Know Your Vulva Workshop